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brc global standard

BRC Certification

The BRC (Global Standard for Food Safety) Certification guarantees products obtained according to well-defined quality standards and is a necessary prerequisite for exporting its products, as well as a guarantee and reliability tool. The BRC Certification applies to food processing and preparation companies and takes as reference the planning and implementation of the HACCP methodology. The key advantage of this Certification is to be able to expand the range of its customers internationally. For companies that already use the quality management system according to ISO 9001 or the HACCP methodology, compliance with these standards is much easier.

ifs International Food Standard

IFS Certification

IFS Certification allows companies in the large-scale retail trade to ensure their customers comply with food quality and safety requirements as well as compliance with the laws that regulate the sector.
The IFS (International Food Standard) food certification was developed by GDO operators with the aim of managing processes and limiting the risk of accidents. Today IFS Certification is an international standard for the verification of private label food products and is applied at all stages of the production and processing chain of raw materials from agriculture and livestock.
The requirements imposed by this standard also refer to the HACCP quality management system. IFS Certification is essential for all companies wishing to extend their market and sell GDO brand products.

biological certifications

Biological Certifications

The Agricultural Technical Firm Dr. Antonio Florio provides specific advice on Biological Certification.
The management of a company according to the criteria of Organic Agriculture, as regulated by the European regulation, provides for a close interaction between the best environmental practices, the protection of natural resources, the high level of biodiversity and the processes of conformity verification, at the order to be able to use, in the marketing of the product, the entries and references to Organic Agriculture.Dr. Antonio Florio as agricultural consultant and biological inspector technician is able to provide specific advice in the field of organic horticulture, operating directly in the field and addressing farms that intend to convert their business management by producing the organic agricultural method, reducing the human impact on the environment and at the same time operating in the most natural way possible.

iso 9001

ISO 9001 Certification

The Agricultural Technical Firm Dr. Antonio Florio provides advice for obtaining the ISO 9001 certification, the internationally recognized standard for the certification of quality management systems.
The ISO 9001 standard provides an effective business management system designed to facilitate the efficient and consistent production of high quality products by promoting the maintenance and improvement over time of the quality of its products.


PCQI Certification

The new regulations issued by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) with the FSMA (Food Safety Modernization Act) on which the FSPCA (Preventive Controls for Human Food) is based, for food imports in the USA, oblige all operators in the sector food (US and non) that produce products for the US market to adapt to the new food safety management system.
At the core of these rules there are a whole series of protocols and procedures for the control and prevention of risks inherent in the treatment and production of food products that are under the responsibility of the certified consultant PCQI (Preventive Controls Qualified Individual).
Dr. Antonio Florio, thanks to the skills acquired, offers qualified advice on the PCQI certification, necessary for all companies interested in exporting food products to the USA.

pesticide free

Pesticide Free Certification

The Agricultural Technical Firm Dr. Antonio Florio offers specific advice for the Pesticide Free certification.
This certification specifies the characteristics and requirements of plant products, simple and transformed, characterized by the absence of residues of plant protection products in the finished product through controlled use along the food chain. The phytosanitary products subject to management and research are those allowed by law. A fundamental prerequisite for obtaining certification is compliance with applicable legislation.

global g.a.p. certification

GLOBALG.A.P. Certification

The Agricultural Technical Firm Dr. Antonio Florio offers specific advice to companies intending to receive GlobalG.A.P certification pursuing the criteria of good agricultural practice.

The GlobalG.A.P. Standard defines good agricultural practices (GAP, Good Agricultural Practice) for the development of the best technique in the production of fruit and vegetables.
The objective of GlobalG.A.P protocol is to market agricultural products guaranteeing safe production for the consumer, respect for the environment, traceability and safeguarding the health of workers.
Get the GlobalG.A.P certification it guarantees the first advantage of being able to meet the requests coming from European customers who request the adoption of international standards. In this sense, GlobalGAP represents the production standard of fruit and vegetables accepted by the most important European distribution groups and is therefore an almost obligatory choice for most companies operating in the fruit and vegetable sector in order to be able to allocate their product on national and international markets.

global g.a.p. ppm

GLOBALG.A.P. PPM Certification

The Agricultural Technical Firm Dr. Antonio Florio provides specific advice to nurserymen on the Plant Propagation Material (PPM) module, supplement of the GlobalG.AP certification, in order to facilitate certification of plant reproductive material of nurseries that produce and sell seedlings and horticultural and fruit seeds and through the GlobalG.A.P. Certification PPM will guarantee the quality of their products as certified raw materials.

global g.a.p. grasp

GLOBALG.A.P. GRASP Certification

The Agricultural Technical Firm Dr. Antonio Florio provides farms, nurserymen and producer groups with the social risk assessment service according to the GRASP voluntary form, appendix of the GlobalG.A.P. certification, through which the Firm can express an evaluation about the 'implementation of social criteria that affect the workforce of the company where it is applied. In this way the farm can also guarantee the monitoring of the social practices adopted within it, providing in this sense guarantees also to the chains of the Large Distribution always very sensitive to this aspect.

global g.a.p. coc

GLOBALG.A.P. CoC Certification

The Chain of Custody certification standard (CoC) aims to safeguard the status of certification GlobalG.A.P. and applies to all parties in the fruit and vegetable chain wishing to market certified products GlobalG.A.P. ensuring the traceability and identification of the product during all phases of the supply chain (logistics, processing, storage and labeling).
The subjects to whom the Chain of Custody Certification applies can be farms, cooperatives, storage warehouses and wholesalers who buy and sell unprocessed fresh fruit and vegetables. The CoC Certification covers the entire supply chain and applies to any company that manages or markets certified GlobalG.A.P. products.