

Chemical soil analysis, agronomic interpretation and processing

Chemical soil analysis, agronomic interpretation and processing

The aim was to interpret the results of the soil analysis in order to apply the most appropriate method for the correct management of the soil/plant system.


Training course on fertigation and water-soluble fertilizers

The course aims to provide information and technical knowledge of professional level to support fertigation, providing knowledge of agronomy, chemical analysis of water, chemistry of fertilizers and nutrient solutions, water-soluble fertilizer products, plants and management of fertigation in out of the ground.


Welcome to our new website

The new website of the Agricultural Technical Firm Dr. Antonio Florio is online.
Browsing through the different pages you can browse the various services we offer to our customers. If you need services related to any agricultural field, or just for simple information, consult the site and its contents and do not hesitate to contact us.