
Agricultural consultant

Dr. Antonio Florio

Dr. Antonio Florio, agricultural consultant, is the owner of the Agricultural Technical Office and has been working in the sector for more than 20 years, addressing, with professionalism, experience and seriousness, to farms and nurseries in Puglia and Basilicata.
As a boy he always had the awareness of wanting to create a new world, with less chemical can, low environmental impact, for this he received before the land surveyor diploma in Itas "C. Mondelli" Massafra (TA) and, subsequently, a degree in Forestry Sciences at the Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Bari.

Technical advice for agriculture

Today Dr. Antonio Florio continues his activity as a freelancer at his Agrarian Consulting Offices in San Michele Salentino (BR) and Polignano a Mare (BA), offering technical assistance for the agricultural sector and boasting a consolidated experience in the world agricultural advice, horticultural seeds and the implementation of safe and sustainable agricultural systems for the benefit of farmers, retailers and consumers all over the world.

agricultural consultant antonio florio

Agricultural technical advice

The Agricultural Technical Firm of Dr. Antonio Florio contributes effectively to the development of farms providing a professional, effective and reliable advice on varietal selection, phytoiatric advice, organic farming and technical expertise. Also, guide and supports company management to obtain Quality and Product Certifications.

Specialist in organic farming

The interest in a more biological world led Dr. Antonio Florio to achieve specialization as a biological technician at Federbio and, subsequently, the certification of organic inspector in the field of plant production, with training certificate in Food Safety Preventive Controls issued by FSPCA and ISO 9001/2015 training certificate.

Quality systems

The Agricultural Technical Office of Dr. Antonio Florio deals with the implementation of documented Quality Systems:

  • GlobalGap
  • GlobalGap PPM
  • GlobalGap Grasp
  • GlobalGap CoC
  • BRC
  • IFS
  • Bio Certifications
  • ISO 9001
  • Pesticide Free

Do you need an expert agricultural advisor? For information and requests contact us now!